Quality Controls
Kontotronics' main responsibility is to check, record and develop the quality of service provided to the Customer. It is also our policy to operate a control system that is specifically designed to meet the requirements of the Customers specification and premises prior to the commencement of the contract.
All staff will be fully briefed regarding both the work to be conducted. In addition all staff will be made aware of the high standards required. Checklists will be distributed relevant to all applicable work.
Regular random checks will be undertaken by the Supervisors on a wide selection of areas within the contract. These will include regular assessments of adherence to company Health and Safety Policy.
Management reviews ensure that the efficiency of the quality control system is effective. On a monthly basis, the site records will be used as the basis of a formal meeting of site management to evaluate the performance aspects of the site to present date. This encourages the free flow of observations/ideas enabling us to be proactive rather than reactive to customer's specific needs.